Yady M. Roa Photography

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  • Taking Pictures-image
  • Taking Pictures-image
  • Taking Pictures-image
  • Taking Pictures-image

Taking Pictures

About 20 years ago, I met my first camera, it was a Kodak VR 35 who quickly became my therapist; taking pictures has always been therapeutic for me... One of the things I have admired about real photographers is the capacity to capture the magic in the moment that has vanished forever... This is exactly what I really try to do with every shot that I take.

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About Me

According to Oxford English Dictionary, Passion is an intense desire to do something forever & ever..., this is exactly what I feel about Photography.


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Contact Me

E-Mail: yadiramorenoroa@gmail.com

Tea is liquid wisdom


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Toute théorie est grise mais vert florissant est l’arbre de la vie (Wolfgang Von Goethe)


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I am not an adventurer by choice but by fate “Vincent van Gogh”


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Il est doux de songer que je servirai un jour à faire croitre des tulipes.


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El tiempo consagra “Schiller”


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I bought a ticket to a fantastic place called Wisconsin “Love actually movie”


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El amor es una tontería hecha por dos. “Napoleón Bonaparte”


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L’architecture, c’est de la musique figée


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La fuerza reside en la ausencia del temor “Carl Gustav Jung”


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Tous les poissons mangent les gens, C’est le requin seul qu’on blame.


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Huevos sin sal no hacen ni bien ni mal


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There is no blue without yellow “Vincent Van Gogh”


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El vino de la verdad es amigo


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Si on n’aime pas trop, on n’aime pas assez


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We’ll always have Paris “Rick Blaine” Casablanca


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Barco a la capa, marinero a la hamaca


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Pray for us


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No one has ever become poor by giving. “Anne Frank”


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La fe es la pasión por lo posible y la esperanza es el acompañante de la fe. “Soren Kierkegaard”


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La sabiduría nos llega cuando ya no nos sirve de nada. “Gabriel García Márquez”


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